
Spring Session Data Redis

Spring Session Data Redis provides SessionRepository and ReactiveSessionRepository implementation backed by Redis and configuration support.


Spring Session makes it trivial to support clustered sessions without being tied to an application container specific solution. It also provides transparent integration with:

  • HttpSession - allows replacing the HttpSession in an application container (i.e. Tomcat) neutral way, with support for providing session IDs in headers to work with RESTful APIs

  • WebSocket - provides the ability to keep the HttpSession alive when receiving WebSocket messages

  • WebSession - allows replacing the Spring WebFlux’s WebSession in an application container neutral way

Adding Spring Session Data Redis to your build

This project uses a Maven BOM (Bill of Materials) and a release train to coordinate versions, e.g. Dragonfruit-SR2, 2020.0.3, etc.

Using the BOM with Maven

With Maven, you need to import the BOM first:

  • This example is using 2020.0.3, but you plug in the release train version you need.

  • Notice the use of the <dependencyManagement> section and the import scope.

Next, add your dependencies to the project without a <version>:


Using the BOM with Gradle

Since Gradle has no first-class support for Maven BOMs, you can use Spring’s Dependency management plugin.

Apply the plugin from Gradle Plugin Portal (update the version if needed):

plugins {
  id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE'

Then use it to import the BOM:

dependencyManagement {
  imports {
    mavenBom 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-bom:2020.0.3'

Finally, add a dependency to the project without a version:

dependencies {
  compile 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-data-redis'


您可以使用GitHub问题跟踪器来报告Spring Session中的错误或增强功能。

如果您有一般用法方面的问题,请使用spring-session标签询问Stack Overflow



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2.4.3 当前 GA 参考文件 API文件
2.5.0-RC1 PRE 参考文件 API文件
2.3.3发布 GA 参考文件 API文件
2.2.6.RELEASE GA 参考文件 API文件